Wednesday, April 16, 2008


What do you do when you have finished your work but still need to be in the office...past midnite? Let's see....can download songs, watch movies, Facebook-ing, blogging, chatting, play games, surf internet.....seems like heaven to be able to do this in an office environment hor?

Truth is, I'm bored. And sleepy too. Last nite left office at 2am babe!

I have just downloaded Limewire but at this hour, I can't think of any good songs to download. Nobody to ym with at this odd hour since all my contacts are offline....prolly in bed already. Facebook is boring. No nice games in my notebook. No movies in my notebook either. In a nutshell, siengzzzz....

I want to go home.....

Why am I still in the office when I have no work? Well.....boss said she wants to come in later. When is later? Who knows...she's coming back from outstation trip so it's anyone's guess what time she will reach KL. Tender submission is have to get this settled tonite. Tomorrow I cuti...dun care.

Did I mention I want to go home? zzzzz........