Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's all for charity

For the first time since I joined the gym, I have decided to attend the annual Miracle Charity event organised by Fitness First.  The main reason for not attending in the past was purely due to location.  This year, however, the format has changed and the event is being held at each FF clubs instead of a central location.  There would be special classes at these clubs and to attend, members have to purchase Miracle coupons.  Each class requires a RM10 coupon to enter.

I bought myself the Miracle Coupons at RM30 per booklet. There was only one interesting class to attend and that is the combo class of Body Combat/Body Jam. Another class is a specially arranged Wing Chun class to be conducted by a Rose Chan, who is a 4th generation Ip Man student, all the way from Hong Kong.  The other event is GX Idol, which is some sort of competition to pick the best winner from a group of participants aspiring to be instructors, I think.....hmmm.

So, today was the Miracle event at my gym club.The BC/BJ class started off with a couple of BJ tracks and then followed by BC tracks, BJ tracks, so forth.  I was totally comfortable in this combo class although I must say, I wished the BJ instructors didn't pick such easy tracks.  The crowd however, was a disappointment.  There were only abt 15 members in a studio that can easily fit 50 people.  Most of the "happening" regular Combaters were not there. Hmm...scared of BJ or simply too stingy to purchase coupons?  Then there were some who came but walked in and out of the class, esp during BJ tracks. I find this extremely annoying.

As low profile as I am, at least I showed up! And I stayed the entire 90 mins class too.  Very proud of myself. 

Finally, since I still have some coupons left from the booklet, I bought myself 2 packets of YoGood cereals at RM10 coupon per box.  I'm sure it was overpriced but this was for charity so I didn't mind.
My breakfast for the week...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

It's all about work..crap!

2.07am.......still working on a proposal due 4am CST in...that's just 3 hours away.  Emailing back and forth with the team in US. Been asked at the last minute to join in their conference call which was at 1.30am. to dial in to a con call using prepaid line and an un-reliable hp la??  And anyway, why still doing a con call just 3.5hours away from submission time? The whole proposal should have been at a final review by now.  So, I completely ignore the request to dial in. Pretend dunno.

Now I guess I have to await further instruction on whatever last minute revision to be done....once they are done with their con calls, of course...god knows when that will be.  Decided already tomorrow will work from home or go in office after lunch, whichever, don't care.

This job pays me better than the old one but I think they ought to pay me even higher!