Thursday, August 16, 2007

Very unhappy about this.

For many years now I've been using auto insurance from Company A. With the exception of the first year, the remaining years I've not gotten any GOOD renewal free gifts from Company A. Didn't didn't get. When I did ask, I was given a pen (which I politely rejected...I've tons of that at home.). Then there was that year I was offered a battery-less torch light which was blardy hell useless. I have to manually press the trigger many many times just to get the light to come on. More like exercising my fingers. Another year I was given a mini booklet on Company A's auto services. Blardy useless!

So, for many years, I've been having thoughts of changing to different insurance company instead....since I've been hearing of people getting free bagpack, umbrellas, car shades, etc etc. Not fair la...people get good things, I don't get.

My renewal is due this, in fact. When I inquired with Company A what free gift will be given, I was told it's a magazine. WTF! So, I finally make the decision to change my auto insurance to Company B instead. Got my cert + road tax this morning from the Company B's agent. What free gift did I get? A stupid AAM membership! Kanasai! Hey I'm already an AAM member la.

I'm not that "ingin" on the freebies la but if others are getting good usable things, not fair la if I don't get it. My colleague said it's cos my car is small so therefore the freebie given is also small. Kanasai! Small item I don't mind but don't la give me useless item.

So angry.

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