Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Yes, I can do it

This morning I found everything and everyone irritating. No, it's not that time of the month. I just have a short fuse this morning. I have no patience. Zero. More so when I'm feeling a little under the weather. Maybe it was because I was rudely awaken by slight sinus at 6am. The constant sneezing was driving me up the wall. Or perhaps I didn't eat enough breakfast.

So, I thought I turn to the one subject that always enlighten my gym log. My gym mood has improved. A combination of several classes over the past 3 days have left my body sore and muscles aching. Still, I'm very satisfied with the outcome of my workout. No pain, no gain right?. I was very tempted to go for 4 back-to-back classes (BJam, BPump, BBalance & RPM) on Saturday but thought better of it. I don't think my body's quite ready for the marathon. I know instructors don't recommend back-to-back. This was pretty much confirmed by Kylie Gates, the Regional GX Trainer for Fitness First, who was featured in last Sunday's StarMag. It's funny that she should say that cos she has back-to-back classes at FF IOI once a month. One day I think I must try out her least once.

Will be going for BBalance this evening. I hope that FBI aka Ms. M.I.A. is doing the class. After that, I'll be on another short break till next week. How convenient that several of my favorite instructors will also not be around this week. I hate taking breaks when the momentum is going great (unlike last week) but this break is un-avoidable. My body art needs another round of healing. I'm pretty sure after this rest, it's gonna look awesome.

Some people wonder why I do not show off my tattoo. Yes, it would be nice to do that but I'm not the show off type. I did the tattoo for my own personal satisfaction. Perhaps I should wait for another 2 more months to see if I still feel the same way...hehehe. Why 2 months? Because I'm not supposed to expose it to the sun while it's still healing.

Now that I had lunch, I'm feeling a lot better. My body's fully loaded on glucose and carbo. Sinus almost gone. Stomach filled. Mood's getting better. No more crankiness.

Now I'm craving for chocolates though...

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