Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Lessons learnt

Gym log.

If there was a lesson to be learnt yesterday, it would be.... never skip lunch on a day I intend to do Pump and definitely, never leave office 20 mins before class starts. Big big mistake. Due to my inefficient time management, I had to rush like mad to get to the gym. Almost encountered a near accident too...which btw, if it did happen, would not be my fault since that idiot driver turned out from a junction without even looking. Ingat ni bapa you punya jalan kah?? Luckily my reflex was quick. Then I almost rolled my ankle as well from walking too fast coming down from the bridge.

It was basically a total disaster from the beginning. I reached in the nick of time but the class was already quite full so I had to be satisfied with a place at the far end corner. I suppose it was a blessing in disguise. I was already sweating buckets by then so the warm up session seemed so insignificant. Tried my best to focus but my eyes just kept wandering off. I think I was in a world of my own last nite. Apart from flashing a big smile at FPI during warm up, I totally could not get myself to concentrate on what she was saying the rest of the class.

I think my body doesn't agree with Monday nite Pump anymore, lunch or no lunch. All my intentions to increase the weight carried flew out the window. I had to stick back to my normal weights which for some odd reason, seemed to weigh tons heavier than usual.

I declared myself very unfit for yesterday's BPump. Would have love to stick around to chat with FPI after class but I was more interested to rush home and filled a growling stomach. Never mind, next week's session will be much better.

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