Monday, April 23, 2007

Crazy weather

I am so hating this weather pattern that we are currently facing; extremely hot sun during mornings and early afternoons...then heavy rain in the late afternoons or evenings. Thanks to this type of weather, I find no valid reason to wash my car. What's the point right? It'll just get dirty again on the same day...within hours if I am not lucky. Poor car...hasn't been washed since CNY. Well, ok la, the weather isn't entirely to be blamed. I guess once upon a time, when my car hasn't aged that much, I was a bit more "motivated" to do car grooming, regardless of weather.

This weather is also causing breakouts on my face. Yeah....I know it sounds silly but I find no other satisfactory explaination other than the weather. The last time I have this many pimples popping out within weeks was 5 years ago. Can't remember how the weather was like back then though :-)

I am also feeling what I believed is eyestrain this past 1 week. I know my job requires usage and prolong peering into the computer monitor but I don't remember having this type of eyestrain before during my career. Feeling slight headache as well. Am thinking of making an appointment at Tun Hussein Onn Eye Hospital. I wonder if the doctor will laugh at me if I correlate my eyestrain with the weather. On a different note: My colleague just mentioned that the symptoms I described may not be eyestrain; which prompts more concern for me....sigh...sigh...

The sky is already so dark outside, right on cue. Expect heavy downpour within the next 30 usual.

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