Monday, May 17, 2010

The misery of allergy...

I am declaring myself as the world's most allergic prone person.  Well, I've known since childhood that I am allergic to prawns and crabs (not other shellfish though), and consuming these food will cause immediate purging.  Not very pleasant experience each time. A month ago, I developed swollen eyes due to some allergic reaction to....I don't was either antibiotics or some ingredients in some cosmetic item or a combo of both.  4 whole miserable days of suffering.

Yesterday I had the pleasure of getting hives.  Hives? They are slightly raised red or white bumps on the skin that caused itchiness. Hives is the body's reaction to an allergen, a foreign substance in or on the body. It could be allergy to certain food products, dust mite, bed bugs, insect bite or even stress (I certainly didn't know this one).

I wanted to take more pics but I think this one is ugly enough to make people go yuck..

I have no idea what I did or ate that caused hives.  It certainly isn't the first time that I got them...though the last time I had them was prolly more than 5 years ago and I remember as a kid, I had them a couple of times too.   The hives got became intenstely itchy late into last nite (cold compress didn't help, neither did cold shower) and I had no choice but to pay my less than favorite 24hour clinic a visit.  Was given an injection by whom I presumed is a nurse of some sort as I'm guessing the locum doctor is either not authorised or did not want to give out japs himself or too lazy.  For the first time, I was teary eyed after getting an injection.  Anyway, this allergy ordeal pretty much caused me a sleepless nite despite the amount of calamine lotion used and btw, I took double the tablet medication dosage prescribed by the doc. It was that bad.  How to sleep when I have the urge to scratch and claw my whole body out, right???

I thought my body was new again this morning (jumped for joy, no need to return to the clinic for MC) but now... several hours later, the hives are back.  I swear I have the ugliest thighs right now.  Blardy useless injection, which btw, caused me pain that I can still actually feel some effect of it. My arms and torse are spared at the moment but I don't think it will take too long for the hives to spread everywhere else. Sigh....the joys I get in life sometimes....

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