Thursday, May 27, 2010

Cooking Project: Baked Sweet Potatoes

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) USA ranked the sweet potato number one in nutrition of all vegetables. How about that?  I gotta admit, I never really pay much attention to this vegetable in the past but I try to eat more of this recently.  I've tried steaming the potatoes and eating it as it is, but it is so tedious peeling the skin off.  I've also tried boiling the potatoes with ginger (with some sugar and sago) and
having it as desserts. 

Then, there's the ultimate project....baking sweet potato as chips.  This is such an easy baking process. It doesn't require much prep, ingredients nor does it take up a lot of cooking time.

Sliced sweet potatoes in the toaster oven. I sprinkled some cinnamons for flavor, and spread some butter/olive oil to avoid the potatoes sticking to the foil.

Baked them for 10-15 mins, with constant monitoring.

The outcome.

Verdict:  Very flavorful and sweet (duh!) but could not get the chips to crisp up without burning them.  The rest were just soft.  Tried cooling them in hopes of them crisping up eventually but that didn't work either.  Thought maybe I had used too much oil or butter so I reduced that in the next batch.....didn't work too.  Needless to say, I will not be trying this again, ever. 

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