Monday, February 5, 2007

This and that...

Today there were 2 new colleagues in my office. We are expecting a few more newbies to come in in the next couple of months. Being polite, I tried to start some conversations with one of the newbie, Z. Now I'm amazed at people who can talk. I wish I'm that talkative. This lady can talk and talk and talk...she's like the energizer bunny who just keeps going and going. I had not expected this when I started my conversation with her. There she was..talking and talking...and I was trying not to be rude to cut her off. For a while there, I was worried I may not get my work done but I just dunno how to say NO. So, when she got a phone call, I immediately took that opportunity to escape...phew! But I must say she's a pretty nice person.

Colts WON! 29-17. Peyton Manning was voted surprise there.

I woke up at 7am this morning to catch the game. I was contemplating watching the entire game on Astro but that would mean going to work late...very late. There I was thinking...should I, should I not? My office is pretty flexible considering that we usually work late or overnite during peak tender my boss is not that hard on us if we come late once in a while. But I finally decided not to abuse the flexibility given to us...I can catch the replay of the game at 3.30am...hmm..that is, if I can stay awake during that hours. I left the game at half time.

I'm about to leave the office and Z is still talking ....amazing.

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