Friday, September 26, 2008

Satisfied Thursday

I was stopped by a salesguy yesterday as I was making my way to the gym. The young chap pushed a leaflet up my face and upon closer look, I saw that it was a Fitness First promo offer. I politely declined. blind cannot see that I'm carrying a gym bag? The young chap was not to be easily discouraged....he decided to pursue further, blocking my way. Feeling irritated by then, I told him I was already a member.....and he goes "member??". My goodness, stupid or what??

I expected to see Mr. Mat Salleh for Body Pump but the class was replaced by Mr. GXM himself instead. Reminded myself not to simply judge people. The class went well, quite tough but as suspected, my energy and strength level have dipped significantly of late. Singles tricep pushups almost killed me.

After Pump, went off to get ready for Yoga but realised that I had forgotten to bring my towel. That's the problem when I kept changing bags. Yesterday forgotten to bring my water bottle for Body Combat (huge huge mistake), today towel. Felt so handicapped without my faithful towel by my side in Yoga. So incomplete. What else will I forget next....

Rushed out of the gym Speedy G
onzales style so that I could go home to catch Amazing Race Asia 3 on AXN. Way to go, Team M'sia...Henry&Bernie (1st at pitstop), Ida&Tania (3rd place). Woohoo!

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