Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is this how it's gonna be?

Stepped into the gym last nite for Body Pump. Iron Lady was absent. Replacement instructor was a young fler from FF Penang. Didn't look muscular at all but damn, looks can be so deceiving. He had the energy level equivalent to the Duracell bunny. The young fler gave excellent cue-ing and instructions, prolly the best out of so many instructors I've seen so far. It was one of those class where I didn't have to keep looking at the instructor because the instructions given were crisp and clear. Kudos...

It was a killer class. Either because the tracks were tough OR it was because lately, I only did Pump once a week instead of the usual 3 classes. Well, I'm gonna have to get use to this because next quarter, my Pump schedule will be reduced to just 1 class/week.

Fatigue set in quickly last nite. I was already exhausted after Squat track. Unfortunately for me, last nite's class had no recovery in chest and bicep tracks, loads of pushups, 2 sets of 4 continuous clean&press with plenty of 7 rows, tricep dips, a lot of singles and bottom halves during bicep and lunges. My body was begging for mercy. The thoughts of "Why am I torturing myself?" did come across my mind several times during the class. My body practically shut down. For someone who doesn't sweat much during a Pump class, last nite was an exception.

Credit to the young fler for making my body worked so hard last nite. I hope he sticks around for more classes. My cardio will be tested this Wed. Can't wait to see how it will turn out...

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