Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What invasion?

Did a back to back Body Pump and Body Combat "GX Invasion Night" theme classes. What was so special? Actually nothing la, except the instructors were all GXMs (Group Exercise Managers). Not the kinda theme classes where one has to dress up.

Surprisingly, I had all the energy in the world, sorta like a mini energizer bunny unleashed. I do back to back Pump/Combat on Saturdays and usually by the 2nd class, I already was dead tired, but that was not the case last nite. Not sure where all those energy came from, prolly from the roti canai I had earlier before class....ahaks. I don't usually make it a habit to eat an hour before class but I was attending 2 classes on a weeknite PLUS Adrienne was craving for naan anyway.

Tracks for Body Pump were mainly old tracks except for Shoulder Track, which was from the current release. Love Summer Rain for Chest Track. The class was full but not packed, just nice. Crowd was quiet, very typical, despite the instructors trying to pump it up for motivation. Saw a couple "not so newbies" carrying heavier than me for warmups. I should be ashamed but I chose not to be.

Tracks for Body Combat were also mostly old tracks. Was very happy that the warm up was Angels (BC25), hadn't done that in a while. Had an older guy standing next to me who was very confused in the class so he left, barely into mid class. Good for me cos I was less distracted. I was already distracted enough, what with other instructors snapping pictures of the on-stage instructors, both in Pump and Combat. How come they didn't snap pictures of us members??

It was interesting to see middle aged women dishing out cash to purchase Polar watches at the promo table in the gym. One lady spent RM533! I think out of so many promo booths the gym had in the past, this one sold like hotcakes. I would be tempted to get one too, if only those watches weren't so damn big for my skinny wrist.

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