Thursday, August 21, 2008

Childhood revisited

Remember this?

Kalkitos - Hugely popular in the 80's. Scratch the back of the transparent sheet to transform images onto the cardboard. Available in various designs eg. dinosaurs, cowboys, flintstones,..etc. I loved these.

Rubber band jump rope - Make a long chain out of rubber bands. Two people stand facing each other holding it. The player then tries to cross the rubber band chain. If successful, the height is raised higher. Whom ever can go the highest wins. Zero point. I used to do quite well :-)

Game & Watch - Hand held electronic game. Most G&W featured a single game. Titles available are such as Cowboy Town, Donkey Kong, Mickey Mouse, Popeye (which I owned and loved very much...unfortunately it died on me), etc. Of course, these days we have the more sophisticated Nintendo Game Boy and Sony PSP.

Wooden Toy Piano - I had one that was black in color. It was the closest thing to having a real piano at home. No idea what happened to it already....

Trump Cards - not sure of the exact name of this card. My cousins and I used to play this (cards belonged to my brother)..we would divide out the cards and compare the horsepower, speed etc etc . The higher number will win. Whomever has the most pile of cards will win the game. My bro had the airplanes and ships cards.

Who can forget these games? Snap, Happy Families, Memory Match & Old Maid. My favorite was Happy Families. Ahhhh.....the joy of collecting the families.

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