Monday, January 21, 2008

My maiden attempt at Step

It was a Sunday I will never forget. It was a class I will remember forever. My first attempt at Body Step.

Days leading up to Sunday, I was kinda nervous about the thought of joining this class. My decision to join came in the wake of planning to join Rahayu in her Body Combat class. I thought since there was so much time to kill after Combat and before the Body Jam class starts, why not try out Body Step. Besides, Yanti will be joining the class I'm assured of a partner...a familiar face in the class.

So, there I was...with my step board ready...nervous as hell. Instructor's usual routine before a class starts is to ask if there is any first timer. So, when Rahayu popped the question, I raised my hand immediately. Never in my life was I so eager to raise my hand. She took one look at me and waved me in... " are bluffing la..u are not new". I was in disbelief. Yanti, who was standing next to me, was laughing. Shoot...there goes my chance to get the instructor to pay more attention on me.

Anyway, put on a brave front and got on with the class. Started off ok...and then, the footwork got harder and harder. My foot and arm coordination suck. Then came the track with plenty of spinning and turning around the board. I practically had no idea what the hell I was doing. Thank god for standing at the back of the studio. However, none of that compared with my worst nightmare, one which I dreaded...falling off the board. Yes, I fell. Damn the step board! That was the highlight of my first experience with Step. Picked myself up quickly. Again, thank god for standing at the back of the studio. A concerned Rahayu asked if I was ok....hah....see...told you I was first timer. It didn't help that I was actually half blind....using only one side of my contact lens...the other one torn earlier.

For the rest of the class, I managed to get thru without further humiliating incidents although there were many moments of confusion. I stole glances at the lady in front of me to help me get thru the class...she knew what she was doing. What a relief when it was over.

After class, I reiterated to Rahayu that it was really my first time doing Body Step. She thought she had seen me somewhere before. Wrong! Anyway, she said next week it will be my 2nd no longer first timer. Hmmm...still thinking if I should join. Not sure if I can handle another confused moments. See how.....

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