Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hopelessly still not motivated..

A couple of months ago, I had plans to make the rest of 2011 my serious workout months and healthy eating, in the hopes of achieving some out of reach abs.  It doesn't hurt to fantasize a little....about the abs part.  Let's just say that I am planning a self imposed bootcamp at home, on non gym days.  I had wanted to start this in Oct. I was supposed to be prepared come October.

Well, it is now officially four days into October.  I had done absolutely no additional workouts at home.  I didn't even feel motivated to even begin doing this.  And even if I were to start, I am slightly clueless on how to begin.  Should I get a DVD workout program by some badass trainer? I would love to own a P90X dvd by Tony Horton but it is so freaking expensive.  Jillian Michaels' dvd would be the next best option but I would need to get it from Amazon, and since I am a chronic procrastinator, I don't see this happening anytime soon. Well...I can follow some workouts from the recent Shape magazine but I will need equipments....u know...the basics....some dumbbells, mat. 

Interestingly enough, 1.5 years ago I wrote a piece about getting my own fitness equipments.  Sad to say,  I had made absolutely no effort to do that.  Now I'm questioning I really seriously on this self imposed bootcamp program?  Until I get at least a yoga mat and some weights, I don't see how I can even be motivated to even begin...

On the bright side (I think...), at least my food choice is slowly taking off, though I am nowhere near eating steamed food.  That is another story altogether.  Maybe I should pop into a fitness shop this at least survey prices..though actually purchasing something would be even better.

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