Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Testing from Blogger Apps
Downloaded this apps today.Can't really do image placement where I want it to be. Let's see how my image turns up.
No font settings either.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Suddenly had this interest to start scrapbooking. I think it will be an interesting project and it'll be nice to do something creative instead of wasting time in Twitter & Facebook or watching TV. Reminds me of the days when I did art stuff to earn badges during the Girls' Brigade years.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
My Catch at the Big Bag Wolf Book sale 2011
This event is called the "Biggest Book Sale in the World".......well, I'm not sure about "the World" part but this sale is definitely bigger than the one I went to 2 years ago. Books at this sale are really ON SALE.
This year, the event is held at MAEPS, Serdang from Oct 7-16. I arrived 45 mins too early and was able to get a nice parking spot. That wasn't my intention really....I left the house early because I figured that I will need more time to locate MAEPS. I never heard of this place til this book sale is on. Nonetheless, despite checking google maps for direction the nite before and relying on my iPhone GPS to get there, I still got lost...twice! Took me a whole lot longer than it should be. Anyway, upon arrival, saw a shuttle bus but it was already leaving as I was parking. Yes, they provide shuttle services as the car park lots were slightly further away. I decided to walk to the event Hall instea
d. It wasn't really that far but then again, I wasn't carrying heavy books, so not big deal.
Saw a long queue as I approached the area...did a quick check and found out that the Sale only started at 10am. To kill time, I took a stroll to the loo. Came back to find an even longer queue >.< Bored to death barely 5 mins into queuing up, and those pesky OCBC Bank sales people are really annoying. Yes, I know they are just doing their job of promoting credit cards but I was approached so many times I was ready to scream bloody murder.
Finally, the Hall door opened! Tons of books everywhere. The Hall was really spacious and there were more Cashier lanes. The space between tables were also wide enough...though people still bumped into each other, especially when carrying boxes to store their goodies. I tried to be courteous but after a while, I couldn't care less if I accidentally bumped into anyone.
After almost 4 hours browsing and queuing up to pay, I walked out of the Hall with these....
There were so many cookbooks at this sale. Due to my lack of culinary skills, I resorted to only getting easy meals recipes...ahaks. Price: between RM6-RM10.
Another cookbook...this one I like because it shows frame by frame...very useful for someone like me who has trouble following even the simplest of recipes. Price: RM12.
These hardcover history books were really a bargain. Priced at RM15 and RM12 respectively. I was happy to get these.
The one and only fiction novel I bought. There weren't that many Robin Cook titles that I found..I only came across Crisis and Foreign Body. I already owned the latter. This one is hardcover. Price - RM8. Dirt cheap!
Total damage done at this Sales - RM75. Not bad for 7 books. I was a little disappointed I walked away empty handed at the Travel and Fitness/Health sections. I didn't find anything I wanted at those tables.
Decided to take the shuttle bus to the car park instead of walking as it was scorching hot outside, plus my feet were tired and the books were heavy..and I was hungry. Ended up getting lost on the way home too >.<
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Hopelessly still not motivated..
A couple of months ago, I had plans to make the rest of 2011 my serious workout months and healthy eating, in the hopes of achieving some out of reach abs. It doesn't hurt to fantasize a little....about the abs part. Let's just say that I am planning a self imposed bootcamp at home, on non gym days. I had wanted to start this in Oct. I was supposed to be prepared come October.
Well, it is now officially four days into October. I had done absolutely no additional workouts at home. I didn't even feel motivated to even begin doing this. And even if I were to start, I am slightly clueless on how to begin. Should I get a DVD workout program by some badass trainer? I would love to own a P90X dvd by Tony Horton but it is so freaking expensive. Jillian Michaels' dvd would be the next best option but I would need to get it from Amazon, and since I am a chronic procrastinator, I don't see this happening anytime soon. Well...I can follow some workouts from the recent Shape magazine but I will need equipments....u know...the basics....some dumbbells, mat.
Interestingly enough, 1.5 years ago I wrote a piece about getting my own fitness equipments. Sad to say, I had made absolutely no effort to do that. Now I'm questioning myself...am I really seriously on this self imposed bootcamp program? Until I get at least a yoga mat and some weights, I don't see how I can even be motivated to even begin...
On the bright side (I think...), at least my food choice is slowly taking off, though I am nowhere near eating steamed food. That is another story altogether. Maybe I should pop into a fitness shop this weekend..to at least survey prices..though actually purchasing something would be even better.
gym and fitness
Saturday, October 1, 2011
A day of ATV-ing
I dragged my ass to another new adventure - ATV! Seen this sport activities many times before but never really ever thought of actually giving it a go.....until now. A group of us, 12 in all, went this morning to ATV Adventure Park at Kpg. Kemensah for some fun and adventure ride of our life.
ATV Adventure Park is apparently the largest ATV park and is located just behind Zoo Negara. They offer outdoor jungle trails with several different packages. Check it out at http://www.atvadventurepark.com/index.htm, The place is actually located at the entrance next to Zoo Negara and is quite a long drive in. Signboards are available though very minimal, and is not clear enough. We found out that there is actually another smaller ATV place a few meters before ATV Adventure Park.
Upon arrival, just like any other extreme sports, we were asked to sign waiver forms. This is basically to say that in the event of accidents, ATV Adventure Park will not be liable. I didn't really read the whole form...I just filled in my details and signed.
We were given a short briefing on how to handle the bike. Some of us were a little nervous (me included) and we paid as much attention to the briefing as possible. We were then given a short practise training with the ATV to familiarise ourselves with the machine. It was kinda scary at first handling such a big vehicle but after 2 rounds of practise, we were given the green light to start our jungle journey.
As we have a big group, we were divided into 2 groups, with each group having 2 guides. Quite a relief!
The ride itself was fun, exciting but at the same time a little scary especially when going up a 45 degree uphill. The first uphill was not a problem. All ATVs must be slightly far apart when going uphill, for safety reasons. On the second uphill, we saw that it was kinda steep, and naturally we were all a little nervous. My friend, the first rider went up and went too close the side, causing the ATV to tumble sideway. That moment really set a panic on the rest of us who were waiting at the bottom of the hill. Luckily, she was alright, with just minor scratches on her arm. As the second rider went up, the guide was sorta assisting by pushing the ATV up. At this point, I was getting even more nervous......this uphill is really challenging?? I was third to go up. The guide beckoned me from the top, signalling to go up and told me to press the accelerator more. That was it...no coming down to check on me, no guiding me up, nothing! As in any surviving situation, I did what I had to do....give it my best. Went all the way uphill with no problem at all....phew! what a relief...it wasn't as bad as I had thought. The rest of the journey went well. The ATV wasn't that easy to handle...my thumb was tired from pressing the accelerator and both hands were tired from pressing the brakes. Still, it was all fun.
We reached a 7-tier waterfall and spent sometime resting. I had enough of the water after a while and went back to the ATVs for some camwhoring with the machines...ahaks.
The journey back was the same route, the uphills became the downhills. I was initially a little worried because earlier on at the start, my ATV's had engine died on me, It was prolly because I pressed both brakes too hard. Anyway, the journey back was much faster and without any fear at all. Yippeee...
Actually before we even realised it, we were already back to the starting point. The day started on some fear but ended on high notes.
Our ATV package was priced at RM100 for 1-1.5 hours ride to the waterfall trail. It was quite worth it considering that we had a total of 8 guides with us.