Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A letter to my instructor

Dear Instructor,

I like attending your class because you know how to make the class fun, interesting and most importantly, your class is very energetic.  I've been following your class since the past 5-6 years, so that in itself is an indication of how much I've enjoyed attending each and everyone of your classes over the years. 

I appreciate that you give out tips and advice occassionally.  However, today I didn't quite agree with your action. I believe that if there is something that you need to point out, especially when it clearly refers to somebody in the class, you should pull the person aside after the class and tell that person personally.   Yes, that piece of advice is absolutely beneficial to everyone but in this case, you have indirectly single out one of your member, prompting laughters and giggles in the class. Though you didn't point out anyone in particular, everyone pretty much knew whom you are referring to. I cannot imagine if I was in that person's shoes.  Especially since it touched on something which I deemed quite sensitive and embarrassing, somewhat.

I'm guessing that this member will not be attending your class next week, or the weeks after either.  I could be wrong though. Maybe this member couldn't care less.  Nevertheless, this does not change my perception of you or your class.  I will continue to attend as regularly as I can. 

Yours truly,
Your loyal and regular member.

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