Monday, March 29, 2010

Are new instructors really ready?

I am not sure what is with the gym lately.  It seems to me that there is a bunch of new and upcoming instructors, which is always a good thing, but then I noticed that new instructors are given more and more opportunities to lead classes during special events or during new release launch programs.  In a way, this will be considered good because these instructors will get all the exposures that they need to advance and be successful in their own programs. 

However, from a member's standpoint, not all of these instructors are ready for the limelight, not especially those who have just passed their clearance test. Nothing is more frustrating to members than instructors who fail to do proper cue-ing, often forgetting choreos or who simply fail to motivate the class. I understand that instructors need to go through a learning curve, pretty much as we all do in real life...however, I just feel that there needs to be a better instructor selection especially during special launch events. 

I'll speak for myself.  There was a time when I look up to certain instructors in the programs that I join because of their finesse, their fitness levels, the energy that they projected during class and their abilities to lead the class well.  It is these factors that kept me going back to their classes again and again.  Sadly, most of these instructors have either left the fitness industry, or are no longer teaching at the outlet that I go to or their slots have been replaced by new instructors.  It is no wonder that my trips to the gym has reduced significantly too...of course, the class schedule is the other factor.  

I now hear that one of my regular class for Body Pump may be replaced by some other class.  As a dutiful member, I have wrote in to complain but it remains to be seen how effective my feedback will be.  And oh ya, I made 2 of my friends submit feedbacks too. 

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