Saturday, January 8, 2011

Loyal customer? What's that?

It seems that in today's world, being a loyal customer means nothing. My experience today definitely confirmed it.  3 weeks ago I had sent some pants to a tailor shop to have the spoiled zips fixed.  The lady owner was someone that I had gone to to do threading monthly for the past 2 years (she does that as a side business).  We usually had some small chats, so I would say I am someone that she can recall.  I had initially thought of sending my clothes to a different shop but thought that since I knew this lady and the shop is nearer, it makes sense to send it here. 
When I went to collect my clothes today, no one in the shop could remember my items.  To be honest, I myself couldn't remember either what clothing stuff I had sent it, with the exception of a sports bra which needed the elastic band replaced.  So, I brought that up, thinking that surely they can easily recall handling a sports bra.  I mean, c'mon on, what are the odds of others sending in sports bra for fixing in the past 1 month rite?  Surely this would have jolted their memories.

After some good minutes trying to explain, I still drew blank faces from the lady owner and her assistant. I was getting slightly pissed.  The lady owner did not offer to search for my items, prefering to sit, and she had this look on her face, as if to say "I don't know if we can even find your stuff". 

Finally the assistant was able to retrieve the plastic bag which had my clothes, and trust me, it was a different plastic bag from the one I had initially used, which means they had opened the bag and took out my clothes.  This means they knew that the clothes needed to be fixed. However, as the assistant took out the clothes, it was clear that nothing was done.  I was pissed but tried to keep my cool.  I coolly reminded them that I had sent those in 3 weeks ago.  The assistant's response? "We forgot".  Hey, you fool, that is not an exceptable explanation ok!. The lady owner had that same look as earlier, which pissed me off even more.  There was no apology from either one of them. 

I said never mind, give me my stuff back.  Seeing my angered looks, the assistant gave me the "what's the big deal" look, then said they will fix the clothes by Monday. When I declined, he had the audacity to say "why? angry issit?".  Needless to say, at that point, I was boiling in anger.  I snatched my stuff from his hand and stormed out of the store. Still no apology!

Trust me, I will never return.  Is this how you treat a regular customer to your shop, idiots!

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