Friday, October 2, 2009

The last yoga class.

Never thought that it will happen but it did! After 4 odd years, I have finally decided to hang up the "mat" (I don't really own a yoga mat, surprisingly..ahaks). Maybe it was a hasty decision, maybe it was a wrong decision, maybe it was a decision made based on sensitive emotions but it was a decision made, for now, nonetheless.

Looking back, I truly appreciate the opportunity to learn and absorb this ancient art form. I may not have achieved much throughout my yoga experience but I am glad to say that I did learn something.

I hope someday I will have another opportunity to learn the poses that I have always wanted to conquer, namely, crow and headstand poses. For now, I will take a step away and observe from afar. I wish all my yoga mates the best of luck and may you all continue to enjoy the class.

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