I guess it is strange when I consider someone I don't even know as my public enemy #1. I don't care though. I have my reasons. I was in Body Combat class this afternoon and the crowd was a little lesser than the usual Saturday crowd. Prolly due to Master Combat being absent. PLENTY of spaces in the studio. I repeat, PLENTY. I decided to stick to my comfort zone...ie. at the back of the studio.
Midway thru the start of the class, I realised someone standing behind me. Remember...I was already at the back of the studio..so the gap between me and that other person was real close. Oh no, not another joker, I thought. I turned and there she was...my arch rival...public enemy #1. Just when I thought I had seen the last of her, she reappeared!. I decided to stand pat even though I could move forward a little. Hell, I wasn't the one late to the class ok! I wasn't the one who was so blind to notice other available spaces. I stood firm, not giving out any of my space. I was very glad none of the members near me gave way either. Thank you ladies. Ya ya...I know I talked about tolerance earlier but today I didn't care. I wasn't gonna be nice today.
In Track 6, my enemy realised that there was no way she could do back kick in the space that she was in and moved to the empty space in front of me. Where was her brain earlier? After going thru 5 tracks, equivalent to approx 25-30 minutes of class, now onlyshe came to her senses?? Had she had remained at the back, I would have kicked her all over...with full force and without any guilt. So there!

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