Only a handful office mates were able to join this trip and only one of them brought his family. The rest are singles. I have to admit, beaches around PD are not clean. Nothing to shout about. Anyway on Sat, after breakfast we adjourned to Teluk Kumang for a day at the beach. My office mate drove like a F1 driver...weaving in and out of traffic on the narrow streets of PD. Crazy! Ooi...want to die, die alone lah...don't involve others! But I think we didn't get enough of speed...hehehe...cos we ladies decided to take a boat ride which cost RM60 per boat for 4 pax. Quite thrilling since it was my first time on a speed boat.
Other than that, the rest of the trip was spent makan-makan. We had BBQ on Sat nite...full of food...yummy. The highlight of the nite was of course, the gossiping....ahaks. Heard so many stories that our eyes popped open at the gossip sensations.
After the cleaning up, we went down the beach at 1am to catch crabs. Yup, small little crabs. Armed with our little torch lights and gloves, we proceeded to the dark beach and began our little adventure. We managed to catch close to 5 little crabbies before I decided to give up. Sleepy like hell. Later, I was about to fall asleep in my bed when I heard noises downstairs and sounds of food frying. I pretty much guessed my colleague was frying the crabbies :-) The next day, I heard he got so much thrill out of crabs that he and wifey went back to the beach to hunt for more crabbies.
We left PD on Sunday around 2pm and headed back to KL. On the way back, we dropped in to Ulu Bendul, Kuala Pilah. Go see see look look. Ended up, nothing much to see. To compensate for the miserable sights there, we bought ice cream cones from one of the peddlar......yummy....brought back nostalgic memories of the past.